Thursday, December 24, 2020

Salt Dough Ornaments With Small Children

#Ornaments | How to make salt dough ornaments with your small children to give as gifts for Christmas. A real rundown of what it is like.
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13 uses for peroxide in the garden and on houseplants
#Houseplants | 13 ways to use hydrogen peroxide in the garden and on houseplants. Peroxide can be used on all types of plants to deter pests, fungus and root rot and to disinfect tools.

20 Best Indoor Plants That You Can t Kill
#Indoor Plants | Having indoor plants in your home improves your mood, sparks your creativity, and reduces stress. Long gone are the times when houseplants were just something that your grandparents kept in the bathroom. Now having indoor plants is more on trend than ever. Indoor plants fill the pages of every design magazine and overrun Pinterest boards, […]

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